There are 11 articles in this Super essentials Series
  • Beginner / Advanced
    10 m

    What is super?


    Super helps you save for your retirement years. Discover the tax benefits of putting more into super and just how much you can put into super, and when.

  • Beginner / Advanced
    10 m

    Why your super is important


    Super is the most tax effective way for us to save for and fund our retirement because of the lower tax rate compared to our personal name.

  • Beginner / Advanced
    10 m

    Wills and super: six things to consider

    Managing my portfolio and super strategies

    If you've ever made a will, the treatment you gave the family home was probably a top priority. But what about your super? It is equally as important.

  • Beginner / Advanced
    10 m

    How can I get my super?


    To access your super you need to either have reached a certain age - at or near retirement - or met other strict employment-based conditions.

  • Beginner / Advanced
    10 m

    A sacrifice worth making


    Minimise your tax payments and make more of what you have by making extra contributions to your super.

  • Beginner / Advanced
    10 m

    Super contributions explained


    Employers are legally obliged to contribute to our super, but we can also make additional payments to our funds ourselves.

  • Advanced
    6 m

    3 super mistakes to avoid

    Managing my portfolio and super strategies

    If you get the feeling you should be doing something about your super but don't know where to start - avoiding these 3 things is a good first step.

  • Beginner / Advanced
    4 m

    3 super events in your life

    Managing my portfolio and super strategies

    When you have a life-changing event take a moment to think about your super – it's important.

  • Beginner / Advanced
    6 m

    Making the most of what you have


    Estimates like '$1 million' are thrown around as to what you might need in retirement. While they can be a good guide, everyone's reality is different.

  • Beginner / Advanced
    6 m

    The one reason super is doing its job


    Living off the Age Pension alone leaves many retirees short of a comfortable retirement lifestyle, but having super changes this.